Our training strategy is interactive and incorporates case studies, videos, simulations, group exercises and role play. We design the training to fit the needs of our clients and its operations to ensure maximum value and transfer of skills.
Our training includes but not limited to:
- Bank Fraud
- Effective Report Writing
- Fraud Examination and Awareness
- Internal Financial Controls
- Governance and Ethics
- Procurement Fraud
- Procurement Reform
- Risk Management
- ID Fraud
Our training programmes are designed to cater for our clients and their needs that will apply to the environment. Our programmes range from short one-day courses to longer programmes designed to ensure that participants apply the theory to practical examples within their work place. We provided training in The Gambia, Dubai, Mumbai and locally in South Africa.
"The training was thought provoking and quite informative. The training was informative and encouraging" - KwaZulu-Natal Investigator - Sanelwe Shangwe (September 2015)
"The presenter was helpful and engaged us in the training" - Eastern Cape Investigator - Lutando Honana (November 2015)